This artist, Carys Tait, (http://www.carys-ink.com/growth-mindsets/) created this project for Henleaze Junior School (http://www.henleazejuniorschool.co.uk/) so that a solid growth mind set could be taught.
We have used their great images to become the Yeti's. As we tackle new learning it can be hard work! When first introduced to something we may feel stressed, disinterested, not engaged, not smart. But when we remember to ask ourselves: "HAVE WE GOT IT YET?" the answer will always be "Not YET...but probably soon!" This concept allows children to feel okay with where they are RIGHT NOW...instead of where they wish they were. And allows the teaching and learning to be a process where we know we will get it in the end!
When a child struggles with a new concept. I will remind them that we are "TRAINING OUR BRAINS" and that soon our brains will understand this knew information easily. One day, none of this NEW LEARNING will be hard! It will all come to us easily! Meanwhile, we try not to worry about it because we know, as a class, that "WE ENJOY A CHALLENGE!!" and that we can "LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES!"
Therefore, we are the class of the (not) YETis!! And this theme will guide our learning all year long!