Ms. Pittel's Classroom
Monday, October 3, 2016
My Ten BEST tips to watch your child's reading excel
1) Have your child read aloud - not in their head. Read to a sibling, read to a dog, read to a stuffed animal, read to a parent while snuggled up or making dinner or folding laundry, read into a phone while it is recording. Read aloud read aloud read aloud.
2) Have your child use their good reader finger. Children reading at an M level or lower will benefit from traking with their finger. 2nd graders resist this. However, when they have tactile connection with the word and their finger then their brain may pay closer attention to addressing the complexities of harder words.
3) When your child stumbles on a word ask them...."Would you like time or help?" Jumping to tell them the word may frustrate them. It may also keep them helpless to your saving! Some follow-up questions may be:
"Did you look at the beginning, middle, and end?"
"Are there parts of the word that you know?"
"Try your best. Even if you get it wrong, what do you think would sound right there?"
"Do you think rereading the sentence might help?"
"Could you try a different vowel sound to make it sound better?"
Giving your child the word is okay after they have given it there best....
4) Find a perfect "just right" book for your child. Having them read a book that is too hard, or not hard enough, isn't great for them! Ask me if you need guidance on this!
5) After each page ask them "Can you retell what you just read to me?" Check to make sure they are remembering what they read.
6) Ask deep, thoughtful questions about the character or the events in the book. "Wow, how would you feel if that happened to you?" or "how do you think that character is feeling?" or "What just happened? What would you do?"
7) Find the next book...sometimes when we read a book, it leads us to another book. A book that ended at the sea may inspire a book about sharks...see if you can find a theme. This book is like this book is like this book....finding ways to hook a reader keeps the reader reading. Series books are also a good idea - books that have multiple books about the same character or are written by the same author. At this age, it takes the guessing game out of "I wonder what this book will be about".
8)If your child is reluctant to start a new book, read the first few pages aloud to them. Get them hooked! OR pre-read it before they do and entice them. Sometimes new readers feel overwhelmed with the mysteries that a new book reveals. Some info. about the book is beneficial before reading it. Students know to do a picture walk to look at the pictures first.
9) If your child is reluctant to read all the time, with an attitude that says "I hate reading"- don't pressure them. Talk to me about it. Chances are students have a block of some sort....a book that isn't good, an attitude that came from their day, a reason why reading feels wrong. We can figure it out together. Bookflix, audio books, Storyline online, are all resources for hooking your child into books again. Kids also love to be read to, of course.
10) Model reading. Grab a book with your child. Snuggle up. Show them that reading is done by everyone all the time. Make it a ritual, a habit, a way of life! Show interest in their books - start a conversation about a book you read that you know they will JUST love!
MORE TO COME as the year progresses. Enjoy!
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Developing a Growth Mind Set: THE YETI CLASSROOM!

This artist, Carys Tait, ( created this project for Henleaze Junior School ( so that a solid growth mind set could be taught.
We have used their great images to become the Yeti's. As we tackle new learning it can be hard work! When first introduced to something we may feel stressed, disinterested, not engaged, not smart. But when we remember to ask ourselves: "HAVE WE GOT IT YET?" the answer will always be "Not YET...but probably soon!" This concept allows children to feel okay with where they are RIGHT NOW...instead of where they wish they were. And allows the teaching and learning to be a process where we know we will get it in the end!
When a child struggles with a new concept. I will remind them that we are "TRAINING OUR BRAINS" and that soon our brains will understand this knew information easily. One day, none of this NEW LEARNING will be hard! It will all come to us easily! Meanwhile, we try not to worry about it because we know, as a class, that "WE ENJOY A CHALLENGE!!" and that we can "LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES!"
Therefore, we are the class of the (not) YETis!! And this theme will guide our learning all year long!
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Bumper Stickers
I don't like bumper stickers. I never have. It is a huge dispute between my newly-licensed driving teenager and I. She thinks they make a statement. She thinks its important to share with strangers who you are - so they don't have to guess. I think they make a statement also. However, I like to keep my statements a bit more quiet and private (like on a blog! Ha!). My car likes to remain anonymous.
Today, I saw a bumper sticker on my way home. It annoyed me as they often do. But then it caught my attention. And then it inspired me.
It stated: "Life is the teacher. Love is the lesson".
At first, it made me feel uncomfortable. Too hokey. But then I realized - that it was the motto to our day at school. Today was a great day. But parts of it were filled with hard lessons. If you don't work hard then you may have to do it over. If you are mean to someone they might be mean back. If you hurt a friend then you have to learn to work out your problems and apologize. If you don't know something then you have to keep working at it until you do. These are hard life lessons. Life is the teacher.
However, I also saw a lot of love today. And in the end - that is what we were each left with. When one student had to leave early everyone went to say good bye to her. Coming in from recess - each child went to a sad child to encourage him with positive words. Hugs and handshakes started the day between new friends. Kids wanted to share about the things that were most important. Community is being formed. Friendships being forged. Love is the lesson.
These are small people. With a lot of room for growth and a solid foundation of who they already are. We have a great journey ahead. With a bit of life's lessons and a lot of love to go around - I look forward to the event.

Also, today - the kids learned the foundational character for our major skills this year. The YETI! Not YETi! Ask them about it and I will write more about this great character soon....
Today, I saw a bumper sticker on my way home. It annoyed me as they often do. But then it caught my attention. And then it inspired me.
It stated: "Life is the teacher. Love is the lesson".
At first, it made me feel uncomfortable. Too hokey. But then I realized - that it was the motto to our day at school. Today was a great day. But parts of it were filled with hard lessons. If you don't work hard then you may have to do it over. If you are mean to someone they might be mean back. If you hurt a friend then you have to learn to work out your problems and apologize. If you don't know something then you have to keep working at it until you do. These are hard life lessons. Life is the teacher.
However, I also saw a lot of love today. And in the end - that is what we were each left with. When one student had to leave early everyone went to say good bye to her. Coming in from recess - each child went to a sad child to encourage him with positive words. Hugs and handshakes started the day between new friends. Kids wanted to share about the things that were most important. Community is being formed. Friendships being forged. Love is the lesson.
These are small people. With a lot of room for growth and a solid foundation of who they already are. We have a great journey ahead. With a bit of life's lessons and a lot of love to go around - I look forward to the event.

Also, today - the kids learned the foundational character for our major skills this year. The YETI! Not YETi! Ask them about it and I will write more about this great character soon....
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
2nd Day of School
What we fear most is that we will be denied the opportunity to fulfill our true potential.
- Dan Pallotta -
The good news is...if we keep on this trajectory and every day continues to get better and better - we will be soaring soon! Despite stomach flu hitting our class (wash hands, get sleep, eat well, wash hands, get sleep, eat well, wash hands, get sleep, eat well) we had a wonderful day. We are beginning to create a structure with expectations, schedule, common language, and conversations. Some of us are excited, some still a bit nervous, some anxious to go faster, some anxious about going too fast. That is to be expected at the beginning of the year! Also to be expected is how EXHAUSTED we are by afternoon. I assume many of the students are melting down when they get home. I am!
The above quote feels apropos for the day. As I get to know your child I will continue to shape and mold the way I present the curriculum. Tomorrow, we will begin our first day of our math module and I will be sharing information about that soon.
In the next few days, expect my first group emails! Between the blog, the occasional update of the website and the email newsletter - I hope you feel updated and informed. However, always feel free to call and ask me anything you need!
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
1st Day of School!
So true! It was a wonderful first day! All 18 students delighted me with their personalities and enthusiasm for school. On this first day, I like to sit back and watch. So many behaviors need correcting, so many things need taught, so many misunderstandings redirected. But not today. No. Today is to feel safe. To feel as though they are accepted exactly how they arrive. And indeed, they are. Learning will take place - but this divine individuals have already begun to take shape far before I had the opportunity to meet them. So I will sit back. Enjoy. Learn from them. And slowly, in time, we will fine tune our classroom procedures, learning expectations, and community behaviors. Tomorrow, I look forward to setting a structure that they can predict and follow each day.
We will learn about the lessons that geese have to offer us. I always look forward to that!
Don't forget to ask your child!
Sunday, September 4, 2016
First Day Of School Tuesday!
Wow! My mind is spinning with all the things I hope to accomplish this week with your child.
Most importantly, know that we will start slow and feel comfortable so that we can speed up and achieve great things!
Few things that I haven't mentioned:
We will eat a snack in the morning. The school provides fresh fruit. If you prefer something else, please have your child bring it in their back packs. We will not share snacks this year.
Also, if your child needs to eat a snack in the afternoon, they will need to bring a second snack.
In addition, if you were unable to make it to Open House - check your child's backpack for the red folder coming home! Thank you!
¡Wow! Mi mente está girando con todas las cosas que espero llevar a cabo esta semana con su hijo.
Lo más importante, sabemos que vamos a comenzar lento y se sienta cómodo para que podamos acelerar y lograr grandes cosas!
Algunas cosas que no he mencionado:
Vamos a comer un bocadillo en la mañana. La escuela ofrece fruta fresca. Si prefiere algo más, por favor, haga que su hijo llevarlo en sus mochilas. No compartiremos aperitivos este año.
Además, si su niño necesita comer un bocadillo en la tarde, tendrán que llevar un segundo bocado.
Además, si usted no pudo llegar a la casa abierta - revisar la mochila de su hijo para la carpeta roja volver a casa! ¡Gracias!
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